

Build #317

Merge pull request #6 from mhart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/lodash-4.17.19
2dc372d mhart 2020-09-08T16:03:51.445Z
ea84180..2dc372d 40 sec
Lambda log
All builds
LambCI v0.11.1 triggered on stack "lambci-public"

Looking up lambci-public-config for projects: global, gh/mhart/test-ci-project

Your LambCI version is out of date. Latest is: v0.11.2

$ rm -rf /tmp/lambci/build
$ git clone --depth 100 -b master /tmp/lambci/build/mhart/test-ci-project
Cloning into '/tmp/lambci/build/mhart/test-ci-project'...
$ cd /tmp/lambci/build/mhart/test-ci-project && git checkout -qf 2dc372dc3f2dd46e9290632b7f4a883bb080e096

Build #317 started...

Branch log:
Branch status img:
Build log:

$ ./
+ rm -rf /tmp/node.bcrypt.js
+ git clone --depth 1 -b v3.0.7 /tmp/node.bcrypt.js
Cloning into '/tmp/node.bcrypt.js'...
Note: switching to '4d3a977b361506d22123fa7df16caeb2b2699b3f'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

+ cd /tmp/node.bcrypt.js
+ npm test

> bcrypt@3.0.7 test /tmp/node.bcrypt.js
> npm install --build-from-source && nodeunit test

> bcrypt@3.0.7 install /tmp/node.bcrypt.js
> node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build

node-pre-gyp WARN Using request for node-pre-gyp https download 
make: Entering directory `/tmp/node.bcrypt.js/build'
  CXX(target) Release/
  CXX(target) Release/
  CXX(target) Release/
  SOLINK_MODULE(target) Release/
  COPY Release/bcrypt_lib.node
  COPY /tmp/node.bcrypt.js/lib/binding/bcrypt_lib.node
  TOUCH Release/
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/node.bcrypt.js/build'
added 324 packages from 220 contributors and audited 324 packages in 12.34s
found 25 vulnerabilities (21 low, 1 moderate, 3 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details

✔ test_salt_length
✔ test_salt_only_cb
✔ test_salt_rounds_is_string_number
✔ test_salt_rounds_is_string_non_number
✔ test_salt_minor
✔ test_salt_minor_b
✔ test_hash
✔ test_hash_rounds
✔ test_hash_empty_strings
✔ test_hash_no_params
✔ test_hash_one_param
✔ test_hash_salt_validity
✔ test_verify_salt
✔ test_verify_salt_min_rounds
✔ test_verify_salt_max_rounds
✔ test_hash_compare
✔ test_hash_compare_empty_strings
✔ test_hash_compare_invalid_strings
✔ test_compare_no_params
✔ test_hash_compare_one_param

✔ openwall_bcrypt_tests
✔ openbsd_bcrypt_tests
✔ test_long_passwords
✔ test_shorten_salt_to_128_bits
✔ test_consistency

✔ test_salt_returns_promise_on_no_args
✔ test_salt_returns_promise_on_null_callback
✔ test_salt_length
✔ test_salt_rounds_is_string_number
✔ test_salt_rounds_is_string_non_number
✔ test_hash_returns_promise_on_null_callback
✔ test_hash
✔ test_hash_rounds
✔ test_hash_empty_strings
✔ test_hash_no_params
✔ test_hash_one_param
✔ test_hash_salt_validity
✔ test_verify_salt
✔ test_verify_salt_min_rounds
✔ test_verify_salt_max_rounds
✔ test_hash_compare_returns_promise_on_null_callback
✔ test_hash_compare
✔ test_hash_compare_empty_strings
✔ test_hash_compare_invalid_strings
✔ test_hash_compare_no_params
✔ test_hash_compare_one_param
✔ test_change_promise_impl_reject
✔ test_change_promise_impl_promise

✔ test_salt_length
✔ test_hash_length
✔ test_compare
✔ test_hash_and_compare

✔ test_salt_length
✔ test_salt_no_params
✔ test_salt_rounds_is_string_number
✔ test_salt_rounds_is_NaN
✔ test_salt_minor_a
✔ test_salt_minor_b
✔ test_hash
✔ test_hash_rounds
✔ test_hash_empty_string
✔ test_hash_pw_no_params
✔ test_hash_pw_one_param
✔ test_hash_pw_not_hash_str
✔ test_hash_salt_validity
✔ test_verify_salt
✔ test_verify_salt_min_rounds
✔ test_verify_salt_max_rounds
✔ test_hash_compare
✔ test_hash_compare_empty_strings
✔ test_hash_compare_invalid_strings
✔ test_getRounds

OK: 15122 assertions (25802ms)
Build #317 successful!